Kennedy Institute

The James C. 肯尼迪教育成功研究所寻求确定创新和具有成本效益的方法,以促进和维持弱势儿童从幼儿到中学后教育的教育成功. Made possible by a gift from James C. Kennedy, 该研究所设立了一个项目捐赠基金,用于支持莫格里奇教育学院三位教授的研究和运作.

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Dr. Douglas H. Clements, Kennedy Endowed Chair in Early Childhood Learning

Douglas H. Clements is a Kennedy Endowed Chair in Early Childhood Learning; Executive Director, Marsico Institute for Early Learning and Literacy; and Professor at the Morgridge College of Education at the University of Denver. 他曾是纽约州立大学布法罗分校的杰出教育学教授. Previously a preschool and kindergarten teacher, 他目前的研究方向是早期数学和计算机应用的教与学. 他发表了100多篇研究报告,8本书,50个章节和250个其他出版物. 他的最新著作详细介绍了早期数学教育中基于研究的学习轨迹:早期儿童数学教育研究:幼儿学习轨迹和一本同伴书, Learning and teaching early math: The learning trajectories approach (Routledge). Dr. 克莱门茨指导了20个由美国国家科学MG线上电子游戏(NSF)和美国科学MG线上电子游戏资助的项目.S. Dept. of Educations, Institute of Education Sciences (IES). Currently, Dr. Clements是两个大型随机集群试验项目(IES)的首席研究员。. 他还与同事一起研究和完善测量学的学习轨迹(NSF)。. Dr. Clements was a member of President Bush's National Math Advisory Panel, 就如何最好地利用基于科学的研究来推进数学教学向行政部门提出建议,也是小组报告的合著者. 他也是美国国家研究委员会早期数学委员会的成员,也是该委员会报告的合著者. 他是NCTM的《MG线上电子游戏》和《MG线上电子游戏》的作者之一. Dr. Clements teaches courses on early childhood mathematics, early childhood educational technology, and the cognitive foundations of early childhood education. In addition, 他与350多名教师合作,目前有三个项目,包括专业发展和合作研究.

Learn more about Dr. Clements

Dr. Julie Sarama, Kennedy Endowed Chair in Innovative Technology

朱莉·萨拉马是肯尼迪创新技术新MG线上电子游戏主席,新MG线上电子游戏教授. 她曾在布法罗大学(SUNY)担任数学教育教授。. 她对幼儿数学概念和能力的发展进行研究, implementation and scale-up of educational reform, professional development models and their influence on student learning, 以及自己设计的数学课堂软件环境的实现和效果, published in more than 50 refereed articles, 4 books, 30 chapters, and 60 additional publications. 她曾担任美国国家科学新MG线上电子游戏资助的五个项目的首席或联合首席研究员, including Building Blocks—Foundations for Mathematical Thinking, 学前班至二年级:学前数学专业发展的研究材料开发与规划:迎接标准的挑战2000. She is co-directing two large-scale studies funded by the U.S. Education Department's Institute of Educational Studies (IES). The first is a Phase II project, 扩大三位一体:用轨迹和技术教授早期数学理解刚刚被IES授予. 二是提高早期数学课程的有效性,设计脚手架,以促进自我调节. Sarama was previously the lead co-PI at the Buffalo site on another IES-funded project, 学前数学课程对低收入家庭儿童数学知识影响的纵向研究. 这是在地方和国家层面同时进行的七个国家项目之一(综合数据),作为IES学前课程评估研究项目的一部分. Dr. Sarama has taught secondary mathematics and computer science, gifted math at the middle school level, preschool and kindergarten mathematics enrichment classes, and mathematics methods and content courses for elementary to secondary teachers. She designed and programmed over 50 published computer programs, including her version of Logo and Logo-based software activities (Turtle Math, which was awarded Technology & Learning Software of the Year award, 1995, in the category "Math").

Learn more about Dr. Sarama

Dr. Phil S. Strain, Kennedy Endowed Chair in Urban Education

Dr. Phil S. Strain is James C. 肯尼迪在莫格里奇教育学院城市教育和积极的早期学习经验(PELE)中心主任的捐赠主席, University of Denver. He is the author of over 300 scientific publications, 曾在22家专业期刊的编辑委员会任职,并担任过总额超过8000万美元的赠款和合同的首席研究员或共同研究员. He is particularly interested in expanding inclusive preschool options, 幼儿自闭症综合服务及有挑战行为儿童的预防与干预. Dr. Strain是1980年资助发展面向自闭症儿童的包容性LEAP学前教育模式的最初拨款的作者, has conducted the largest randomized, controlled trial of an autism intervention (LEAP) to date (Strain & Bovey, 2011). The LEAP Preschool program began as a federally funded (i.e., 残障儿童早期教育计划)为自闭症儿童和典型儿童服务的示范计划, ages 3-5, within an inclusive preschool setting. At the time of its inception, LEAP学前教育是全国为数不多的致力于为残疾儿童及其家庭提供包容性实践的早期儿童项目之一. Dr. 斯特兰还参与了资助发展“婴幼儿社会情感能力金字塔模型”(金字塔模型)的最初拨款。. Dr. Strain’s current projects include the Pyramid Model Scale-up to Kindergarten, 国家金字塔模型干预中心和早期儿童技术援助(ECTA)中心由美国资助.S. Dept. Of Education, and Evaluation of Preschool Special Education funded by the U.S. Dept. Of Education and the Institute for Education Sciences (IES).